Sunday, May 11, 2014

Election Day is coming, where are the candidates?

Election Day is coming, where are the candidates?

Ukraine’s election is due to arrive on May 25th.  That is 13 days away and there are no campaigns being reported.  Who is running for President? Have they even made preparations on where the polling stations will be held? Was it all just talk? Is Ukraine going to declare Martial Law?  Can the declare Martial Law? Is it because they know Russia is going to take over, so why bother?

This is rather alarming to me because I learned that one person from the current parliament did place his bid and it wasn’t announced. Oleh Tyahnybok. This guy is horrid.  All that talk about “Neo-Nazi Fascists” have to be talking about this guy. He is the chairman of the Svoboda chapter in Kiev. Svoboda are neo-nazi, jew-hating, bastards. Their influence was on the decline. However the protests in Kiev gave them a new purpose. Oleh Tyahnybok declared himself the leader of the protesters even though they didn’t want him there. He got his Svoboda thugs to pose as protesters in the crowd to make it look like all of Ukraine was with him.  When John McCain visited Ukraine in support of the protesters, Oleh Tyahnybok made sure he was there to try and shake his hand.  You can even see the photo where McCain is clearly not even looking at the man and is just extending his hand. This is probably a learned physical response from politicians; just extend your hand for a handshake and keep on moving.” If there was ever an evil presence in Kiev, this is the one to look for.

Unfortunately, his antics were used to pin the blame on USA for the cause of the riots thanks largely to the photo op with John McCain. Moscow cleverly used Oleh Tyahnybok’s faux protester leadership as a way to tell the Russian people that the Kiev protesters were neo-nazi terrorists because they were led by Oleh Tyahnybok. Of course, the 5 billion relief package and the Director of CIA visiting after the outing of President Yanukovych lead to Moscow suggesting this was a CIA supported coup and USA paid 5 billion for it. The conspiracy theories the Russians leap blindly to, are unconscionable at best. An example is when the interim government took over, their first act was to attempt to pass a law to repeal a current law that allowed Ukrainian regions to officially allow Russian as a second language. This repeal would have removed that option making it illegal to call Russian an official second language.  First of all, that doesn’t mean it would be illegal to speak it. Second of all, the interim Prime Minister vetoed the repeal, so all is well.  That didn’t matter as it was the “thought” that counted. In true brainwash fashion, this lie was said so many times that people actually believe a law was passed making the Russian language illegal in Ukraine. Total madness!

At any rate, I have a very sinking feeling that the Presidential Election is not going to take place on May 25th for whatever reason. I do not have happy feelings for Ukraine right now. I would say “pray for them” but I think there are too many Russians praying for Russia to take Ukraine for its own benefit. They are Catholic, so don’t count their prayers out.

Thursday, May 8, 2014

Why does Putin need Ukraine? As I mentioned above, there is the Eurasian Economic Union. I know some critics think it's too early to start calling it U.S.S.R. 2.0 but in light of Putin's recent actions, I don't think it's that far fetched. At any rate, here are some facts and info that help bolster the idea that Putin wants Ukraine like a fly wants poop!

"Sergei Strokan, a foreign affairs columnist with the Moscow daily Kommersant, argues that “Russia is really desperate, because Ukraine is the major trophy in Putin’s Eurasian Union project. That’s what leads Putin to pull out all the stops in the race to win this.” -imrussia, Aug 13th 2013.
"Russia experts have always considered that country the crown jewel—and even a necessary anchor—of any successful version of the Eurasian Union. “If you have Ukraine, the Eurasian Union moves a little further west, and puts it right on the border of the EU,” said Hannah Thoburn, a Eurasia analyst at the Foreign Policy Initiative, a Washington-based nonprofit. “Russia desperately wants to have Ukraine.” -The Boston Globe, March 9th 2014
"Given how much it appears to worry his allies, it might be surprising
that Putin would have played such a strong hand in Ukraine last week.
But that, say many observers, suggests just how much he has invested in
this idea. Ukraine—with its steel mills, coal plants, bountiful
agricultural resources, and massive population of 46 million people—has
always, according to Russia experts, been key to Putin’s vision for the
Eurasian Union." -The Boston Globe, March 9th 2014

“Ukraine is the big one,” said Alexander Cooley, a political science
professor at Barnard College who studies post-Soviet countries. “The
others are small and weak.” For this reason, he said, the success of the
Eurasian Union “hinges on Ukraine’s participation and cooperation.” -The Boston Globe, March 9th 2014
How much proof can you provide that Putin doesn't want Ukraine?

There are far more articles about this subject. I do find it odd that it gets little media coverage considering the literal obvious implications it has.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

The Truth behind the Truth of the Ukraine Crisis 2014.

The Truth behind the Truth of the Ukraine Crisis 2014.

I have been posting rather prolifically on CNN’s Disqus forum in regards to the Ukraine Crisis. I felt there needed to be an objective voice of reason amidst a sea of anti-US, conspiracy theorists, and propagandists. I thought that if I could bust their lies with fact, that they would stop or that people would see the truth. I was wrong, but I was also vindicated.
Their propaganda machine is based on some very specific verbiage. They use the same terms over and over again: “Fascist Neo-Nazi,” ”non-elected government,” “CIA supported coup,” and “Illegal coup” to describe the current Ukraine government. When you trace this back to the roots, it is Putin and Yanukovych who first said these things. Putin mentioned that two members of parliament are members of the Svoboda, a supposed Neo-Nazi group. Then Yanukovych screeched that it was a CIA plot. Now every pro-Russian group or person espouses these same terms over and over again until they are convinced they are true. No amount of logic deters them.

For example, they say it was a coup. Well, the problem with this is that their leader ran away on his own accord leaving a vacant spot in the government. No one asked him to leave and no one forced him to leave, there were no angry mob at the door step with guns, no militia stormed the capitol, nothing. So, no coup. They are unconvinced of this. Now, keep in mind that they do not offer a different version of the story. The best retort they could come up with was: “What was he to do?  Stay and die?” Well my friends that is the big question isn’t it? However, Yanukovych was accused of a crime. He was charged with hiring snipers to fire on the crowd. USA then imposed sanctions on him and his closest aids. Right after this he attempts to flee to Russia but was forced to land in Donetsk (his home town) because his papers were not in order. Obviously, they eventually let him through.

The next problem is the “illegal” and “non-elected” government. They argue that they “seized” power and took it from Yanukovych. Well, in Ukraine’s constitution the head of Parliament takes over when the President is gone or can’t fulfill his/her duties, or dies, or is impeached. So, it was right of succession, not seizure. They also announced new elections, so again they weren’t trying to stay in power.  They have followed the constitution. Therefore, no illegalities and no requirement for election.

Now for the neo-Nazi fascism bit, they clearly do not understand the meaning of those phrases. You can post the definition of fascism to them, where it very eerily describes Putin’s Russia, but they ignore it. As for Nazis, there is some truth to the claim as you can find data supporting that the Svoboda party has some sort of Nazi ties to it. However, even if they are, they certainly don’t have any power and aren’t killing Jews and aren’t demanding that they are of a superior race; a fact, I might add, is that these party members are all brunet.

Now, while doing all this “fact” finding to debunk their arguments, I stumbled onto a fact that blew my mind as I had never heard of it. It appears to crack the entire case wide open. The Eurasian Economic Union. Heard of it? It started back in 2008 apparently when Putin was busy stating how disappointed he was as the fall of the Soviet Union. He wanted to create a new union, one that surpasses USA and EU. He dubbed it, the Eurasian Economic Union. In 2011 Hilary Clinton was quoted as saying that she would do everything in her power to stop it or slow it down. In January of 2014, Putin announced that he had all the main members on board but needed Georgia and Ukraine to join. Putin wanted the Union ratified by May 1st 2014. Obviously, we’re sitting pretty in May 7th and there has been no word about the ratification. I suspect it is because Ukraine was not delivered on a silver plate to Putin. Putin wants his union up and running by January 2015. He also wants China to join as well. Their economy is what will push his union over the edge past EU and USA combined. Ready to get a bit creepy? He formed a website for this union that sits on its own server outside of the mainstream internet: eurasianunion . co. I purposely added spaces between the period; I don’t want that site linking here. Now that you know what he’s up to, let’s look at what he did:

Putin’s strategy was fairly brutal. He put Yanukovych in office in Ukraine by ensuring ballot stuffing. It was a highly contested Presidential run. As soon as he came to office, he had his opponent sent to jail. Over the next two years he slowly disarmed Ukraine’s army by reducing the military budget. It’s currently less than 1% of the annual government budget. He helped set up the autonomous parliament in Crimea. He brokered the deal that allowed 25,000 troops to be in Crimea at any one time. Like any good chess player, Putin has already planned for several moves in advance. However, Yanukovych’s corruption led to rising unpaid debts. Ukraine needed 15 billion or they were going to go under. European Union offered 5 billion and a chance to join them. The people were excited about it, and plans moved forward. However, just before Yanukovych was set to join the EU, Putin calls him and offers him 15 billion and a discount on gas. Yanukovych takes that deal instead and the people get pissed.

They crowded peacefully in Independence Square to protest Yanukovych’s decision. Yanukovych then made a law that protesting was illegal and the police came out to arrest the protesters. The protesters decided they did not deserve to go to jail and built barricades and set fires to keep the police from arresting them. Two months of this go by with mounting pressure from the US Administration to end the protests. A peaceful agreement was being made, one that would have reduced Yanukovych’s power(s). On the eve of signing, Yanukovych chose again, not to sign it. Protests suddenly became more violent. Molotov’s were being thrown. Protesters were being beaten alive. Then, snipers show up and start shooting the police and protesters. No investigation took place and the government accused Yanukovych of hiring the snipers. The USA then imposed sanctions on him and his closest aids. Yanukovych then fled Ukraine of his own free will. Two days later, the Kiev government votes Yanukovych out of office. This is when things get bizarre.

Right after the Sochi Olympics ended, Russia sends a battle ship to port at Crimea at night. Six thousand troops spill out. Since Russia has the right to have up to 25,000 troops, this isn’t a big deal because there was just shy of 15,000 there before. The next day, unmarked troops begin surrounding ALL Ukrainian military bases. Putin denies these are Russian and says they are local militia. Then the autonomous Parliament in Crimea is replaced. Those people call for a referendum to leave Ukraine and ask Russia for assistance. International Observers are refused entry, reporters are kicked out of hotels, and all radio and TV stations are taken over and begin broadcasting only Russian media. Ukraine flags are taken down and replaced with Russian flags. Propaganda worthy of Nazi Germany is put up, that shows Ukraine in a Russian flag or Ukraine in a Nazi flag. This is ALL done weeks before the referendum. We all know the results of the referendum. A month later, Putin reveals that the unmarked soldiers were in fact Russian troops. Also at this time all the eastern regions of Ukraine have declared themselves independent nations, and have taken over government bui8ldings and are calling for referendums of their own. Russia, continually denies that they have any control over this, while at the same time massing their army at the Eastern Border near Donetsk. Geneva, with the support of Russia, developed a cease fire peace agreement which calls for Russia to ask the protesters to lay down their guns, and abandon the buildings. The self-appointed mayor of the People’s Republic of Donetsk stated he would not comply because he wasn’t invited to the meeting. Russia didn’t keep their end of the bargain and ask the protesters to stand down. More violent skirmishes take place and then suddenly, today, Russia decides to tell the pro-Russian separatists to delay their referendum. This tells us immediately, that Russia has had control all along. He supposedly will be withdrawing his troops, although there isn’t any evidence of this. This tactic stinks of foul play. Putin is good at pretending to capitulate before he strikes. The only other play I see here is that Putin hopes that by making an impact on the pro-Russian separatists, that EU and USA will kindly lift some of the sanctions on him.  Why?  So he can move forward with his Eurasian Economic Union.

Just know that he’s never going to give this up.  He can’t he’s too far into it. He will NEVER let Ukraine go.

Now, I have been trying to bring awareness about the Eurasian Economic Union for the past two days and have seen every single post, where I mention it, disappear. ALL of it. Even the replies. I also noticed that the pro-Russian supporters never answered back when I brought it up. I honestly expected it, and never got it. I feel like I hit a nerve, so I am placing here on a blog to see how long it lasts.

I urge you to be informed. Look up Eurasian Economic Union. Why it isn’t in mainstream media is beyond me. Maybe they’ll report it when it’s too late.